Our Services

We tailor our support services to your goals so that you receive care that is as unique as you are.

We are committed to consistently providing you with the highest standard of care.

Servicing the Ipswich and South Brisbane region
Community Nursing Care
Wiser Care's team of experienced and highly trained nurses are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality nursing care available. We can provide complex care in your home or in the community, including tracheostomy/ventilation management, catheter care, bowel care, diabetic management, peg/nasogastric feeding and much more.
We work with you to understand your requirements so that we can tailor this service to the specific level of care you need. We can also work to teach you the skills you need to manage certain things yourself such as wound management. We want you to remain as independent as possible and that means we cater to your requirements, so you know you have our full support whenever you need it.

Supported Independent Living
We want you to remain independent within your own home so that you can live a rewarding and fulfilling life through achieving your goals. We understand that living on your own can bring it’s own obstacles that sometimes you may need support to overcome and learn to manage ongoing. We are here to assist you and provide the level of care you are comfortable with, so that you can navigate your living arrangements with confidence.
We are able to assist you with personal care needs and domestic chores, through to teaching you the skills you want to learn (maybe you want to learn to cook!) through to helping you get out and about in your community. No matter your goals, we will discuss your requirements and make sure we are tailoring out support so you get the most out of our services.
Daily Personal Activities
We are here to assist you with personal activities on a daily basis as well as providing supervision for those tasks depending on the level of support you require. We aim to build your confidence and help you to remain as autonomous as possible so that you can continue to live life on your terms. We can provide support for a range of different tasks and will work our care around what you specifically need as an individual.
We also work with you to discuss your goals and what you want to achieve so we can make sure we are providing the necessary care that helps you to work towards your ambitions. Examples of how we can support you are meal preparation, grooming, bathing, hygiene management, and so on. Let’s talk today about how we can help you.

Community Access
We understand how important it is for you to maintain access to your chosen community services, and we are here to help you every step of the way. Whether you are wanting to attend social or recreational events, religious gatherings or simply get down to the shops, you can count on the team at Wiser Care.
Being an active part of your community can help to increase your confidence, independence and can be great to improve mental wellbeing through building relationships with like-minded people and trying new activities. It’s also a great way to build on your existing skillset and really learn what you love to do in life whilst being surrounded by others who share the same passions as you. We’d love to hear what types of activities you’re into and help to organise these on your behalf so you can focus on what’s important; doing what you love.
Travel and Transport
Knowing how to get yourself from A to B and how to confidently catch public transport or organise private transport is a fantastic way to increase your independence. Being able to get where you need to get going, safely and on time, offers you a new level of freedom where you are in control. We work with you to ensure your goals are met with this service and offer ongoing support to ensure you remain confident and have access to the assistance you need.
We can help you get to appointments, the grocery story, your local library or maybe you want to attend a community event. No matter where you are going or how you want to get there, at Wiser Care we will make sure you get the safely every time.